If Steam Is Coming From Your Engine
Steam from an overheated engine can
burn you badly, even if you just open the
hood.Stay away from the engine if you
see or hear steam coming from it. Just
turn it off and get everyone away from the
vehicle until it cools down. Wait until
there is no sign of steam or coolant
before you open the hood.
If you keep driving when your engine is
overheated, the liquids in it can catch fire.
You or others could be badly burned.
Stop your engine if it overheats, and get out of the vehicle until the engine is cool.
Notice: If your engine catches fire because you keep driving with no coolant, your vehicle can be badly damaged. The costly repairs would not be covered by your warranty.
See also:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN)
This legal identifier is in the front
corner of the instrument panel, on
the left side of the vehicle. It can be
seen through the windshield from
outsi ...
Calling for Assistance
When calling Roadside Assistance,
have the following information
• Your name, home address, and
home telephone number.
• Telephone number of your
• Location of the ve ...
Cleaning the Inside of Your Vehicle
Your vehicle’s interior will continue to look its
best if it is cleaned often. Although not always
visible, dust and dirt can accumulate on your
upholstery. Dirt can damage carpet, fabric, leathe ...