Theft-Deterrent Systems
Vehicle theft is big business, especially in some cities. Although your vehicle has a number of theft-deterrent features, we know that nothing we put on it can make it impossible to steal.
See also:
Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol)
If the vehicle has the 3.9L V6 engine (VIN Code M), you
can use either unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel
containing up to 85% ethanol (E85). See Fuel. In all other engines, use only the unleaded
Leaving children in a vehicle with the ignition key
is dangerous for many reasons, children or others
could be badly injured or even killed. They could
operate the power windows or oth ...
Traveling to Remote Areas
It makes sense to plan your trip, especially when
going to a remote area. Know the terrain and plan
your route. You are much less likely to get bad
surprises. Get accurate maps of trails and terrai ...