Drunk Driving

Death and injury associated with drinking and driving is a global tragedy.

Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness,WARNING

Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness, and judgment can be affected by even a small amount of alcohol. You can have a serious— or even fatal— collision if you drive after drinking.

Do not drink and drive or ride with a driver who has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if you are with a group, designate a driver who will not drink.

    See also:

    DIC Warnings and Messages
    Messages are displayed on the DIC to notify the driver that the status of the vehicle has changed and that some action may be needed to correct the condition. Multiple messages may appear one afte ...

    Power Seats
    To adjust a power seat, do any of the following: • Move the seat forward or rearward by sliding the control forward or rearward. • Raise or lower the front part of the seat cushion by movi ...

    Battery Power Protection
    The battery saver feature is designed to protect the vehicle's battery. To prevent battery discharge while driving, the following systems are reduced automatically in two stages and then turned off: ...