
Leaving children in a vehicle with the ignition key is dangerous for many reasons. Children or others could be badly injured or even killed. They could operate the power windows or other controls or even make the vehicle move.
The windows will function with the keys in the ignition and children could be seriously injured or killed if caught in the path of a closing window. Do not leave the keys in a vehicle with children.

Leaving children in a vehicle with the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is dangerous for many reasons; children or others could be badly injured or even killed.
They could operate the power windows or other controls or even make the vehicle move. The windows will function with the RKE transmitter in the vehicle and they could be seriously injured or killed if caught in the path of a closing window. Do not leave the RKE transmitter in a vehicle with children.

The key that is part of the Remote

The key that is part of the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter can be used for the ignition and all locks if the vehicle is a key access vehicle. If the vehicle has the keyless ignition, the key can be used for the locks.

Press the button on the RKE

Press the button on the RKE transmitter to extend the key. Press the button and the key blade to retract the key.

See your dealer if a new key is needed.

If the keys get locked in the vehicle, it may have to be damaged to get them out. Always carry a spare key.

If locked out of the vehicle, see Roadside Assistance Program (U.S.

and Canada) or Roadside Assistance Program (Mexico).

With an active OnStar subscription, an OnStar Advisor may remotely unlock the vehicle. See OnStar Overview.

    See also:

    Remote Vehicle Start
    If available, this feature allows the engine to be started from outside the vehicle. The button will be on the RKE transmitter if the vehicle has remote start. Laws in some local communitie ...

    Steering Wheel Adjustment
    To adjust the steering wheel: 1. Pull the lever down. 2. Move the steering wheel up, down, forward, and backward. 3. Pull the lever up to lock the steering wheel in place. Do not adjust the stee ...

    Engine Oil Life System
    The engine oil life system calculates engine oil life based on vehicle use and displays the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON message when it is time to change the engine oil and filter. The oil life sy ...