Using Voice Commands During a Planned Route
Cancel Route
1. Push . System responds:
“OnStar ready,” then a tone. Say “Cancel route.” System responds: “Would you like to cancel route directions to your destination?”.
2. Say “Yes.” System responds:
“OK, route canceled.”.
3. Say “Goodbye.” Exits voice commands.
Route Preview
1. Push . System responds:
“OnStar ready,” then a tone.
2. Say “Route Preview.” System responds with the next three maneuvers.
3. Say “Goodbye.” Exits voice commands.
1. Push . System responds:
“OnStar ready,” then a tone.
2. Say “Repeat.” System responds with the last direction given, then responds with “OnStar ready,” then a tone.
3. Say “Goodbye.” Exits voice commands.
Get My Destination
1. Push . System responds:
“OnStar ready,” then a tone.
2. Say “Get my destination.”.
System responds with miles to the destination, then responds with “OnStar ready,” then a tone.
3. Say “Goodbye.” Exits voice commands.
See also:
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operating cellular phones, scanners,
CB radios, Global Position Systems
(GPS)*, two-way radios, mobile fax
machines, or walkie talkies.
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Make sure the airbag readiness light is working. See Airbag Readiness Light
for more information.
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