Initial Drive Information

This section provides a brief overview about some of the important features that may or may not be on your specific vehicle.

For more detailed information, refer to each of the features which can be found later in this owner manual.

See also:

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
RFID technology is used in some vehicles for functions such as tire pressure monitoring and ignition system security, as well as in connection with conveniences such as key fobs for remote door lo ...

Securing the Child within the Child Restraint
WARNING! A child can be seriously injured or killed in a crash if the child is not properly secured in the child restraint. Secure the child properly following the instructions that came wi ...

First Engine Oil Change After Every 160 000 km/100,000 Miles
• Automatic transmission fluid change (normal service). See Automatic Transmission Fluid . • Spark plug replacement. An Emission Control Service. ...