Brake Assist

This vehicle has a brake assist feature designed to assist the driver in stopping or decreasing vehicle speed in emergency driving conditions. This feature uses the stability system hydraulic brake control module to supplement the power brake system under conditions where the driver has quickly and forcefully applied the brake pedal in an attempt to quickly stop or slow down the vehicle. The stability system hydraulic brake control module increases brake pressure at each corner of the vehicle until the ABS activates.

Minor brake pedal pulsation or pedal movement during this time is normal and the driver should continue to apply the brake pedal as the driving situation dictates. The brake assist feature will automatically disengage when the brake pedal is released or brake pedal pressure is quickly decreased.

    See also:

    Control of a Vehicle
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    Home Page
    The infotainment system displays a home page that makes accessing many of the features an easy process. Back: If on page 2 of the Home Page, press Back to return to page 1 of the Home Page. If on ...

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